I wrote a quick script to replace the b-factor column in my .pdb files with the error in C-alpha chemical shifts (between experimental values and CamShift prediction of that same structure). This was the easy part.
At first PyMol would color the ensemble snapshots with the b-factor values of the first structure. The trick was to load the ensemble object with discrete=1, which loads an individual set b-factors for each structure. The last thing to be adjusted are the minimum and maximum values for spectrum-coloring.
reinitialize import glob def load_structure(): native_pdb_file = "/home/andersx/color/1PGB.pdb" for x in glob.glob("/home/andersx/color/1PGB_opls_colorensemble/col_sample_*.pdb"): cmd.load(x, "ensemble",discrete=1) cmd.load(native_pdb_file, "native") cmd.align("ensemble", "native") cmd.hide("all") cmd.center("all") cmd.h_add cmd.show("sticks", "ensemble") cmd.hide("sticks", "ensemble &! n. n+ca+c+o+h") cmd.show("lines", "native") cmd.hide("lines", "native &! n. n+ca+c+o+h02") cmd.spectrum( "b", "blue_red", minimum=0, maximum=8) cmd.color("grey", "native") cmd.bg_color("white") load_structure()
The final result looks something like this:
Or you can use this :-) http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Cheshift