- Be able Include loss-less vector graphics in your Latex document (good).
- Be able to select text inside figures with mouse (awesome).
- Compile your latex document with figures faster (probably).
- Make your files smaller and of higher quality (mostly).
- That's it. The rest is up to you!
Let's also use pdflatex for compiling (just replace the latex command):
andersx@awesome:~/my_paper$ pdflatex mypaper.tex
This will also compile much faster than standard latex (using, say, .png-files), since you are now including something that is already in pdf-format.
Last two steps are (1) to save your file as a .pdf-file and (2) autocrop the white borders (loss-less). Step one is accomplished using standard matplotlib/pylab/etc. syntax. The 2nd part is done using a tool called pdfcrop (which is already included in you have latex installed). I prefer to call pdfcrop from within the Python script to avoid having to run more than one command each time I make a new figure.
The above is some boilerplate code. The result is:
andersx@awesome:~/my_paper$ python my_figure.py
PDFCROP 1.33, 2012/02/01 - Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by Heiko Oberdiek.
==> 1 page written on `my_file.pdf'.
Now you have a beautifully formatted pdf-file to include in your latex document.
I might edit this post later with a bit of bling and YOLO/swag just to give it the attractive combination of vitality and glamour it deserves.