Saturday, October 29, 2011

Compiling DALTON2011 with 64-bit integers, OpenMPI and MKL

I was asked if I could do a blog post about how to compile DALTON2011 in parallel with 64-bit integers. This is not entirely trivial, unless you know what's going on. One of the key ingredients is an MPI that supports 64-bit integers, which OpenMPI does not do out of the box. I found 64-bit integers required to complete all test cases succesfully. This tutorial will assume that you have a working set of Intel compilers.

1) Get the OpenMPI 1.4.3, which is the latest stable version to support 64-bit integers:

tar xjf openmpi-1.4.3.tar.bz2
cd openmpi-1.4.3/

2) Now you're ready to compile OpenMPI. I keep my compiled programs in ~/programs/ -- you can use whatever directory you want, so change the prefix to wherever you want it. If you have root access /opt/ would be a great place to put OpenMPI. First, export the CXX, CC, FC and F77 environment variables to specify that you want to use the dedicated Intel compilers. Then run the configure script with the -i8 flag, specifying support for 64-bit integers:

export CC=icc; export CXX=icpc; export FC=ifort; export F77=ifort
FFLAGS=-i8 FCFLAGS=-i8 ./configure --prefix=/home/andersx/programs/openmpi-1.4.3/
make install

(both configure and make can take quite a while)

3) Now, you need to export the following variables:

export PATH=/home/andersx/programs/openmpi-1.4.3/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andersx/programs/openmpi-1.4.3/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

You can also add these lines to you ~/.bashrc file, but I wouldn't recommend this, since you might want another version of OpenMPI for another program, so it's better to only export the variables you need, when you actually need them.

Check that your compiled OpenMPI is working by typing:

which mpirun

This should return something like (in the folder you specified in the --prefix in step 2):


Further more, check that your OpenMPI picked up the -i8 flag properly (the compiler flag that tells to compile for 64-bit integers):

ompi_info -a | grep 'Fort integer size'

This must return size 8:

         Fort integer size: 8

If not, you did something wrong, and the following steps will not work!

4) Go to and download the latest version. Untar it, and head into the DALTON2011 folder:

tar xjf Dalton2011_release_v0.tbz
cd Dalton2011_release/DALTON/

Start the configure script and answer the following questions with:

This appears to be a -linux architecture. Is this correct? [Y/n] y
Do you want 64-bit integers? [y/N] y
Do you want to install the program in a parallel MPI version? [Y/n] y
Compiler /home/andersx/programs/openmpi-1.4.3/bin/mpif90 found, use this compiler? [Y/n] y
(This must be found in the folder where you just compiled and installed OpenMPI in steps 1-3)
Compiler /home/andersx/programs/openmpi-1.4.3/bin/mpicc found, use this compiler? [Y/n] y
(This must be found in the folder where you just compiled and installed OpenMPI in steps 1-3)
Do you want to replace this with your own directory search list? [y/N] n
(Just install whatever BLAS/LAPACK the script finds .. we're going to use MKL, but we need to specify that manually later on, overriding what the script finds here)

The remaining questions you can answer however you want to.

5) Now we need to find out, where MKL is placed on you system. This may vary from version to version of the Intel Compiler suite. First write:

env | grep MKL

This returns something like:


If it doesn't, you haven't got the Intel Compilers (and MKL) properly installed. Now head into this directory and locate libmkl_intel_ilp64.a:

locate libmkl_intel_ilp64.a

This returns something like:


The above directory we will call MKL_LIB_DIR:

export MKL_LIB_DIR=/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.0.084/mkl/lib/intel64

Last thing in this step is to edit the Makefile.config and put the information we now have into it. Open Makefile.config with your favourite editor and replace the line that starts with "LIBS = " with:

LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lmkl_lapack95_ilp64 -Wl,--start-group $(MKL_LIB_DIR)/libmkl_intel_ilp64.a $(MKL_LIB_DIR)/libmkl_sequential.a $(MKL_LIB_DIR)/libmkl_core.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread
(the above is all in one line)

This will link to the correct MKL library, which supports 64-bit integers (also why they're called ilp64) and made for the Intel compilers. Now it's a good time to make sure that you still have the environment variables from step 3) exported. So now we're ready to actually compile DALTON2011:


(now it's time to get a coffee, and do something else for a long while ... Also compiling DALTON2011 does not seem to work in parallel so no -j8 flags here!)

6) Compiling ends without errors and the following line:

mv ./dalton_mpi.x /home/andersx/zips/Dalton2011_release/bin/dalton_mpi.x

To test your compilation head into the test/ folder and start testing the parallel (these only take a minute or so .. the full test suite takes much longer).

cd test/
./TEST parallel

Hopefully this returns:



date and time         : Sat Oct 29 10:54:20 CEST 2011
If not, something is wrong. :) Now proceed to the full test suite. I use nohup and just check the output in nohup.out.

nohup ./TEST all &
less nohup.out

Hopefully nohup.out end with (after an hour or so):

All tests completed successfully
Perl-style tests computed successfully

Perl-style tests finished!



date and time         : Sat Oct  29 13:02:34 CEST 2011

This means DALTON2011 works!

You can also head over to the DIRAC10 wiki pages, which is very much like compiling DALTON:

For support go to:

I did this on a Intel Core i5-760 with Ubuntu 10.04.3 Server and Intel Compilers version 12.0.0 20101006. The entire test suite took twice as long compiling with GNU compilers, so I recommend staying away from these for a "production" version. Further more MKL is one of the fastest and most stable BLAS and LAPACK libraries there is and it comes precompiled for 64-bit integers with the Intel Compilers, so do use MKL and save yourself a headache! Also GNU compilers >4.4 have compiler issues from what I've heard.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fast Lennard-Jones and electrostatics on a CPU

I recently got interested in programming molecular mechanics force fields on CPUs and GPUs. One of the hurdles you have to get through, is the non bonded interactions, which you have to iterate over all pairs of atoms. It thus scales as N^2 with the number of atoms, whereas the bonded terms scale only linearly. A good example is the OPLS force field (read more on Wikipedia). Here the non-bonded interactions are given by a Lennard-Jones potential term an an electrostatic term:

For more information about molecular modeling and force fields, I can  recommend reading the Molecular Modeling Basics book, which has excellent pages on the subject. You can also just ask in the comment sections, if you have anything. Finally, the code can be found for download at the bottom of this post.

Now let's get started! I've put the coordinates of all atoms in the double coordinates[] 2D array. In the example I'm using the coordinates of the protein structure of Cutinase 1CEX, which has 2867 atoms. I used pdb2pqr for protonation. I'm going to assume (for simplicity), that all interactions use the same parameters. The naive way to implement the non-bonded OPLS interaction could be (in C/C++):
// Lennard-Jones parameters
double A = 10.0;
double C = 10.0;
// Electrostatic parameter
double E = -10.0;

double non_bonded_interaction(const double a[3], const double b[3]) {

     // Fastest way of getting distance
     double distance = sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0])
                          + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1])
                          + (a[2] - b[2]) * (a[2] - b[2]));

     return A*pow(distance, -12.0) 
          + C*pow(distance, -6.0)
          + E/distance;

int main() {

     // Set energy to 0
     double energy = 0.0;
     // Loop over all atoms
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) {

          // Only up to i-1, to avoid double counting 
          // interactions, and self-interactions
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++) {

               energy += non_bonded_interaction(coordinates[i],

     std::cout << "E = " << energy << std::endl

     return 0;
Timing this gives 0.0300 µs per iteration with the Intel icpc compiler, and 0.189 µs with the g++ compiler, both with -O3 optimization. 
As I will demonstrate, this is because pow() is horribly implemented in g++. Lets further optimize the non_bonded_interaction() function:
double non_bonded_interaction(const double a[3], const double b[3]) {

     double distance = sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0])
                          + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1])
                          + (a[2] - b[2]) * (a[2] - b[2]));

     double distance6 = distance * distance * distance
                      * distance * distance * distance;
     double distance12 = distance6 * distance6;

     return A/distance12 + C/distance6 + E/distance;

Now we get: 0.0295 µs with icpc and 0.0313 µs with g++. Clearly pow() shouldn't be used with GNU compilers!

Next on our list of optimizations is getting rid of divisions. Divisions are performed iteratively by the CPU, while multiplications are done bit-parallel by specialized circuits hard-coded into the CPU silicon. We have three divisions, but we can write everything in terms of only one, using reciprocal distances:

double non_bonded_interaction(const double a[3], const double b[3]) {

     double distance = sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0])
                          + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1])
                          + (a[2] - b[2]) * (a[2] - b[2]));

     double inv_distance = 1.0/distance;
     double inv_distance6 = inv_distance * inv_distance
                          * inv_distance * inv_distance
                          * inv_distance * inv_distance;
     double inv_distance12 = inv_distance6 * inv_distance6;

     return A * inv_distance12 
          + C * inv_distance6 
          + E * inv_distance;

This gives us 0.0173 µs with icpc and 0.0189 µs with g++. Still ... there is one division left and also a square-root which is problematic. These are what takes up by far the most time in the calculation. But there is a hacky trick we can use. I'm going to show you how to use an approach by Newton to estimate inverse square roots .. take a look at this Wikipedia page for more info. The method became famous after it was found in the Quake III open source engine. Here it is in double type, so slightly different than the float type example on wikipedia. I'm using two final iterations to achieve sufficient accuracy.

inline double fast_inv_sqrt(double number) {

        long long i;
        double x2, y;
        const double threehalfs = 1.5;
        x2 = number * 0.5;
        y  = number;
        i  = * ( long long * ) &y;
        i  = 0x5fe6ec85e7de30da - ( i >> 1 );
        y  = * ( double * ) &i;
        y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
        y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
        return y;
Using this, we can avoid ever dividing and taking square roots, and reduce our code to:

double non_bonded_interaction(const double a[3], const double b[3]) {
     double dx = (a[0] - b[0]);
     double dy = (a[1] - b[1]);
     double dz = (a[2] - b[2]);
     double distance_sqr = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

     double inv_distance   = fast_inv_sqrt(distance_sqr);
     double inv2_distance  = inv_distance * inv_distance;
     double inv6_distance  = inv2_distance * inv2_distance
                           * inv2_distance;
     double inv12_distance = inv6_distance * inv6_distance; 
     return A * inv_distance12 
          + C * inv_distance6 
          + E * inv_distance;


Now, timings are down to 0.0118 µs for icpc and 0.0155 µs for g++ per iteration. It's hard to optimize the code further from here, using code that isn't very hacky, but we still got a x2.5 times speed-up with the Intel compiler and x12.2! times speed-up with the GNU C++ compiler. Still, we can always try and parallelize the code using OpenMP. This is the easiest way to parallelize code there ever was. We only need to add ONE compiler flag, which tells it to parallelize the next loop. Take a look:

// Loop over all atoms
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) {

// Tell compiler, to run next in loop in parallel
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:energy)

          //Only up to i-1, to avoid double counting interactions, and self-interactions
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++) {

               energy += non_bonded_interaction(coordinates[i], coordinates[j]);


To compile we also must remember to link to OpenMP:

icpc -O3 cpuff.cpp -o cpuff -openmp (for Intel)
g++ -O3 cpuff.cpp -o cpuff -fopenmp (for GNU)

On four cores instead of one, this gives us: 0.0042 µs for icpc and 0.0042 for g++ as well. That's a x2.8 and x3.6 speed up for Intel and GNU, respectively! Not too shabby, by no means! Compared to the unparallelized code, this is a x7.1 speed-up for Intel and a whooping x45.0 speed-up for the initial lazy GNU compiled code.

I hope this post will inspire you to play around with these easy-to-do optimizations yourself. You can download code examples here:

cpuff.cpp (the implementation)
coordinates.h (the protein coordinates. I put this in a 2D array to avoid writing a parser)

DISCLAIMER: The above was carried out on an Intel Core i5-760 running 64-bit Ubuntu Server 10.04.3, icpc (ICC) 12.0.0 20101006 and g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3. Timings are averages over 10 consecutive runs. I compiled everything with -O3 optimization.

Friday, October 21, 2011

C++ timing with millisecond accuracy

How do you know if you have efficiently implemented a routine. A simple routine from Boost can tell you. More specifically the boost::timer function.
Boost is a set of free software libraries that extend the functionality of C++, in the Wikipedia discription. There are tons of very useful features you'd expect to be native to an advanced programming language as C++ but are not.

How to get boost? Usually on Linux you can just say something like apt-get install libboost or yum install libboost. Let me know if you want a tutorial to compile or install boost. The examples below compile with both Intel and Gnu C++ compilers and even Nvidia compilers (I tried NVCC 4.0).

Here is a code example of how to time a routine with boost:

#include <boost/timer.hpp>      // For boost::timer class
#include <iostream>             // For printing

// Some constants
unsigned int x = 20000;
bool flag = true;
unsigned int k = 0;

int main() {
        // Start boost timer.
        boost::timer t;

        // Do a double loop that takes some time.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < x; j++) {
                        k = i + j;
                        if (k % 2 == 0) {
                                flag = false;
                        } else {
                                flag = true;

        // Store elapsed time from boost
        double elapsed = t.elapsed();

        // Print elapsed time from the t object.
        std::cout << "boost/timer says:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Total time    = " << elapsed 
                << " seconds" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Avg time/iter = " << elapsed / (x * x) 
                << " seconds" << std::endl;

        return 0;

I get the following output on my Core i5-760 box and the icpc compiler:

boost/timer says:
Total time    = 0.35 seconds
Avg time/iter = 8.75e-10 seconds

You can use t.reset() if you want to reset the timer in your program.

If you want higher accuraccy, you can use the gettimeofday() function from sys/time.h. This example does not require boost either, but the code is way uglier. This is done very much like in the above code:

#include <sys/time.h>           // For gettimeofday()
#include <iostream>             // For printing

// Some constants
unsigned int x = 20000;
bool flag = true;
unsigned int k = 0;

int main() {
        // Create objects for gettimeofday() timing
        struct timeval start_time;
        struct timeval end_time;

        // Get the time of day -- NULL means we don't care about
        // time zones. Store in start_time.
        gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

        // Do a double loop that takes some time.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < x; j++) {
                        k = i + j;
                        if (k % 2 == 0) {
                                flag = false;
                        } else {
                                flag = true;

        //Store time of day in end time
        gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);

        // Calculate the elapsed time with micro second accuracy from gettime of day
        double start = start_time.tv_sec*1000000 + (start_time.tv_usec);
        double end   = end_time.tv_sec*1000000 + (end_time.tv_usec);
        elapsed     = end - start;

        // Print elapsed time from gettimeofday().
        std::cout << "gettimeofday says:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Total time    = " << elapsed 
                << " microseconds" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Avg time/iter = " << elapsed / (x * x) 
                << " microseconds" << std::endl;

        return 0;

This gives me the following output:
gettimeofday says:
Total time    = 366208 microseconds
Avg time/iter = 0.00091552 microseconds

Happy coding! Let me know if you have questions or comments.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

HOWTO: Mixed basis In Gaussian

One of the many tricks in speeding up quantum chemistry calculations is the use of locally dense basis sets. Maybe it is only necessary to have diffuse functions on certain atoms or you may only need to calculate parts of a system with a high accuracy.
Use of locally dense basis sets is completely legal within the basis set approximation. Just remember, that things like Mulliken charges will often be off, if some atoms have significantly more basis functions than other.
In this example an example, I show how to do a geometry optimization a of methylamine at the Hartree-Fock level of theory with a 6-31G basis set on carbon and nitrogen and a 3-21G basis set on hydrogen atoms. Note that the basis set is specified as "gen". This option tells Gaussian to use the basis set specified at the bottom. A the bottom there is a number for each atom (followed by a 0 for reasons unknown to the author), and the name of the basis set below. Data for each atom is terminated by a line containing four asterisks.

Remember to separate "groups" of data with exactly one blank line and the file must be terminated with exactly two blank lines.

--------------------------Start of file--------------------------
# opt hf/gen geom=connectivity

Title Card Required

0 1
 C                 -7.52265887    1.01208458    0.00000000
 H                 -7.16600444    0.00327457    0.00000000
 H                 -7.16598603    1.51648277   -0.87365150
 H                 -8.59265887    1.01209776    0.00000000
 N                 -7.03265039    1.70504284    1.20025020
 H                 -6.03265041    1.70487221    1.20034129
 H                 -7.36582334    2.64790856    1.20015900

 1 2 1.0 3 1.0 4 1.0 5 1.0
 5 6 1.0 7 1.0

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0

--------------------------End of file--------------------------

Talk at Novo Nordisk STAR Symposium 2011: "Inferential protein structure determination using chemical shifts"

Slides from the talk:

MC simulation of Protein G (2OED) folding. Crystalk structure in cyan, MC simulation in green:

Energies used were Profasi force field energy and CamShift 1.35 MD energy.
I used PyMol to generate .png files from the MC samples and mencode to merge the .png files into an .avi file.

Monday, October 17, 2011

PDB V3 to V2 file converter and CamShift 1.35 notes

I stubmled upon a program called CamShift 1.35, which predicts chemical shifts from a coordinates in a PDB file. However, everytime I tried to supply it with a seemingly  standard PDB file, adhereing to every PDB naming convention I could find, CamShift 1.35 would complain about missing atoms and used an internal force-field to add hydrogens and whatnot at coordinates that were not correspoding to the coordinates I had supplied.
A little trick I found, was to uncomment the lines 278-279 in the camshift-1.35/bin/camshift.cpp file:

//  for(int r=0;r<rep.size();r++)
//    cout<<"\t"<<p.atom_name(rep[r],Almost::Protein::BASE)<<"\n";

 and the recompile. This will add the names of all atoms that are added. Please note, that protonation states are adjusted entirely by CamShift, so even if you give it a proper PDB file you will have things added, such as H-gamma on cysteine residues, even despite of actual cys-bridges in the supplied PDB file.

At any rate, by doing the above, I discovered that the CamShift 1.35 code uses the old PDB v2 naming convention (which was deprecated during the last millennium). Sadly I couldn't find any file converter that would let convert a standard (currently PDB v3) PDB file to an older v2 type. Not even my all-time favourite file-converter OpenBabel was capable of this. Long story short, I found the proper naming conversions and put it in a short python script.

Usage is like this:

$ python myfile.pdb

This will print the new file to standard out put. If you want it in a new file, simply use the awesomeness of shell:

$ python myfile.pdb > outfile.pdb

Since it's written in standard Python, it will work on any platform (Windows, UNIX, Linux, MacOS, etc) and you need not worry about compiling, just a working Python interpreter is enough.

Have fun converting. Shoot me a message, if you find any bugs or quirks. Download the program here:

(click link or picture to download)